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Dysport Injections in Bradenton, FL

As much as we love all the things that are supposed to give us glowing skin: moisturizers, and serums, anti-aging cleansers, toners, and more…there’s no denying that at some point these methods might not get us where we want to be on our journey to hold off on the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. 

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Is Dysport the Solution To Your Problem? 

The reason that injectables like Dysport exist is to take anti-aging efforts to the next level

when over the counter products simply don’t cut it.

So whether you have heard of Dysport or not, this product has gained a cult-like following

and for good reason!

Like Botox, Dysport is a neuromodulator injection, approved by the FDA and designed to delay the onset of wrinkle formation temporarily. This product is injected into the muscles and works by reducing the activity or movement of the treated muscles, preventing the skin covering the treated muscle from creasing and folding on itself, thus creating wrinkles.

This product may have grown in popularity so quickly due to how well it treats moderate to severe wrinkles between the eyebrows (glabellar lines), as well as wrinkles on the forehead,

around the mouth and neck. 

Lasting Results Of

Up To Five Months

Drastic Reduction in Glabellar Lines and Wrinkles

Leads To Immediate, Natural  and Noticeable Results

Prevention of More Wrinkles by Freezing the Muscles Below


Dysport is an injectable treatment that can be used to quickly and effectively reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the face.

What is Dysport?

Sarial Aesthetics offers our clients in Bradenton, FL, several nonsurgical alternatives for rejuvenating the skin. Dysport is an injectable wrinkle treatment that works like BOTOX® to soften and reduce dynamic wrinkles and lines on the face. Dynamic wrinkles are caused by recurrent facial movements and expressions (like frowning, smiling, and laughing) that, over several decades, make the facial muscles tight. This causes the overlying skin to have an etched line that can be seen even when the face is resting. Dysport is specially created to treat one of the most common dynamic wrinkles: the vertical frown lines between the eyebrows. It temporarily blocks signals to the muscle — so the dynamic wrinkle is smoother but with natural-looking results that don't "freeze" your face. Learn more about Dysport wrinkle relaxer treatments by meeting with Amanda S. Urzykowski or another member of our staff to make your face appear refreshed.

Who is a Candidate for Dysport?

Dysport is ideal if you are looking for a nonsurgical procedure to address mild, moderate, or severe vertical glabellar (frown) lines that appear between the eyebrows. Since dynamic wrinkles and lines are created by repetitive use, they can become visible at any age and make you look mad, tired, or sad. Dysport is a fast, effective treatment that corrects dynamic wrinkles without leaving a "frozen" appearance. Since Dysport's formula spreads to reach a cluster of wrinkles, it's also great for Crow's feet, the small wrinkles in the corners of the eyes. Most clients at Sariel Aesthetics see visible improvement in their dynamic wrinkles a few days following their treatment that can last for as long as four months.

How Does Dysport Work?

Dysport injections are administered in one of our procedure rooms following your consultation, which will take about 15–30 minutes. A numbing cream or local anesthetic is generally unnecessary because the Dysport is injected with a fine needle that causes little pain, but it can be applied if requested. The treatment area will be cleaned, and five well-placed injections will be made along the brow, followed by a cold compress to limit bruising and swelling. After your procedure at Sariel Aesthetics, you may resume normal tasks, but you should try to avoid taxing activities for at least one day.

What can I expect from Dysport?

Following a Dysport treatment, you may notice mild swelling and redness at and around the injected area, but this generally will disappear in 1–3 days. You should sleep upright for at least one night and continue to apply a cold compress if needed. Results are often seen in a few days as the visibility of your lines is minimized for a smoother, softer appearance. Your results typically remain for about 3 – 4 months and follow-up treatments can be done at Sariel Aesthetics in Bradenton, FL to extend your results.

Relax and refresh.

If you want a nonsurgical way to revitalize your appearance by treating the frown lines between your brows, Dysport injectable wrinkle relaxer is a wonderful choice. You will be able to learn about Dysport injections and other procedures at your consultation with registered nurse anesthetist Amanda S. Urzykowski to get your custom anti-aging plan that fits your needs and goals. We invite you to call Sariel Aesthetics in Bradenton, FL to learn more and make an appointment.

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